
graphics | html, css, and js | misc

nintendo ds graphics nintendo ds

bon's graphic collection betty's graphics 99gifshop gifcities - searchable geocities gifs
gif gallery - art gallery of old gifs glitter-graphics free graphics & animations shady lady - horror graphics
texture town - tiled backgrounds backgroundsarchive - tiled backgrounds cyber.dabamos's 88x31 anlucas' 88x31 - 80x15 buttons 80x15 badge maker - 80x15 badges plasticdino's blinkies - blinkie maker blinkiemaker fairytrash - buttons, blinkies, stamps, userboxes emojibank - pixel icons
foollovers - borders pixelsafari - dividers, blinkies, favicons, stamps, etc mazeguy smilies - these guys -> tabbyads - advertise your site on other neocities pages
boodlebox - fake ads - custom cursors nostalgic for the 2000s - unicode symbols named-characters - html character references

tv html/css/js tv

w3schools - html, css, and js tutorials how to reuse a header - reuse the same header/footer on multiple pages with js boxbox - visual layout builder sadgrl's layout builder - lots of js effects scripted resources webneko - a cat that follows your cursor gifypet - virtual pet widget
scmplayer - music player widget (across multiple pages) cbox - live chatbox widget dailycrossword - daily crossword puzzle widget moonconnection - moon phase widget
pollcode - add a poll your site - website visitor counter smartgb - guestbook maker khang-nd - windows 7 css
jdan - windows 98 css

dolphin misc dolphin - file hosting filegarden - file hosting neocities - free website hosting nekoweb - free website hosting
webring list dead link checker rss validator