Game Progression


Chapter 3: The Land of Gold and Sparks (and others)

-- ethereousSirius [ES] began trolling twistedDioscuri [TD] --
ES: Amalaric
ES: I am ne\/er lea\/ing your planet, this place is *SICK*
TD: awwww 7ha7 is nice :DD
ES: Gods you dont e\/en KNO\/\/
ES: My planets just like yours if it \/\/as made of nightmares and \/\/oe
TD: i am so upse7. i jus7 missed you :((
ES: Oh no :<
ES: \/\/hats Amafinis planet pike though??
ES: (Squeeling) Your consorts are so cute!!!!! And theres so many I LO\/E IT!!!!
ES: Did you kno\/\/ my planet doesnt ha\/e Any. Its a bit
ES: Lonely, \/\/hen Im not running around after Lusurfo, that is
TD: 7ha7 sounds so sad.... :((((
ES: Pfft its \/\/hate\/er, Im not gonna be bothered by that like some no\/ice
TD: 7eehee 7ha7 is a 7errific a77i7ude 7o have!!
TD: i had never me7 ANY consor7s before 7oday. so i was REALLY exci7ed 7o mee7 7hem :DDDD
ES: A little guy
ES: Says hi
ES: :> Gods, arent you popular already!! \/\/hat a s\/\/eet bunch of beauts
TD: 7ell him i said HAIIII
ES: (Salutes)
ES: Jeepers the Shine!!!! Its so \/\/arm!!!!!
TD: uhuh i7 is super shiny and pre77y :77
ES: I must inform
ES: You. This is Actually Hea\/en
ES: Of the se\/en
ES: Planets, not One other comes Close to coming close to this!!
TD: 7eehee!!!!
TD: i 7hink my bro7hers is probably 7he wors7 :((
ES: \/\/hy \/\/hats his
ES: Deal?
TD: cold and sad
TD: and dark :((
TD: and no one is here :((((((
ES: A\/\/\/\/\/\/ reelly? :<
TD: uhuh....
TD: and i 7hink i7 is going 7o be very annoying coming here every 7ime 7o sleep
ES: \/\/ell I hardly fink hed be annoyed \/\/aking up HERE
TD: 7eehee!! maybe you are righ7
TD: bu7 i also 7hink i7 was a bad idea for him 7o be my server player :(
ES: Yeah, come to fink of it, that \/\/as \/ery stupid... if only \/\/e \/\/ere
ES: Bold enough to consider that then
TD: mm..
ES: If its any consolation then,
ES: I am \/ery pleased you are My ser\/er player :>
TD: awww 7hank you phirom :DD
TD: i like building up your house i7 is very pre77y
ES: Youre
ES: Too s\/\/eet
ES: Pray, are any of these
ES: Comics up for the borro\/\/ing (I am begging)
TD: 7eehee 7ake wha7 you want!!
ES: :>
TD: :))
-- ethereousSirius [ES] ceased trolling twistedDioscuri [TD] --
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